

Presiden Jokowi di antara fakta & hoax. Begini kata warga lho

Menjadi seorang tokoh terkenal seperti artis, tokoh politik, gubernur, bahkan orang biasa pada jaman now memang tidak mudah. Hal ini semakin tidak menyenangkan jika ada berita bohong yang direkayasa lalu disebarkan berulang-ulang ke berbagai media sosial. Berita bohong atau hoax dibuat dalam berbagai format seperti meme, foto yang diedit, video, berita online dan cara-cara canggih lainnya dengan memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi informasi.  Lalu bagaimana tanggapan warga tentang hoax yang berkaitan dengan Presiden Joko Widodo yang akrab dengan sebutan Presiden Jokowi ini?  Kita bisa saksikan pada tayangan ini. 

Professional Photographer ungkap fakta tentang Presiden Jokowi

Peristiwa ini terjadi pada Pilpres 2019 ketika ada komunitas fotografer terkenal yang terdiri dari para photographer professional berkumpul untuk menentukan apakah mendukung calon patahana Presiden Joko Widodo atau memilih Prabowo Subianto? Pada tayangan ini akan terungkap apa yang kira-kira membuat mereka untuk memilih Presiden Jokowi atau Jendral Prabowo sebagai Presiden atau RI 1 pada Pemilu 2019 yang lalu?

Presiden Jokowi Marah: Begini Respon Rudi S. Kamri & Warga

Apa Salahnya Presiden Marah ? Oleh: *Rudi S Kamri* Kemarahan itu sifat manusiawi. Kalau seseorang tidak punya jiwa amarah dalam dirinya, mungkin malah perlu dipertanyakan roh kemanusiaannya.  Apalagi seseorang pemimpin negara. Melihat silang sengkarut komunikasi publik anak buahnya dan kacaunya performa kerja para menterinya yang terlihat tidak punya 'sense of crisis', wajar sekali seorang Presiden marah. Dan menurut catatan saya tidak ada seorang Presiden Indonesia yang tidak marah dalam masa kepemimpinannya. Mulai Soekarno sampai Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Pada saat melihat tayangan Presiden Joko Widodo marah di rapat terbatas kabinet pada 18 Juni 2020 lalu, menurut saya biasa-biasa dan wajar saja. Bahkan sangat tidak wajar kalau seorang Presiden tidak marah melihat cara kerja beberapa menterinya seperti saat ini. Hanya saja saya menyesalkan mengapa video kemarahan Presiden Jokowi baru diunggah ke ranah publik 10 hari kemudian. Ini terkesan settingan atau mung

Baim Wong Kena Rundung Gara-gara Ucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun Kepada Presiden Jokowi

Aktor sinetron sekaligus YouTuber top Indonesia yang juga model terkenal untuk berbagai produk ini memang lagi banyak dibicarakan orang. Ini terjadi setelah Baim Wong kena bully gara-gara mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun kepada Presiden Ir. H. Joko Widodo alias Jokowi. Presiden Jokowi kelahiran 1961 ini pada 21 Juni memasuki usia 59 tahun. Tentu banyak orang yang telah mengucapkan selamat kepada Presiden asal Solo ini. Namun, sepertinya Baim Wong saja yang kena bully.  Baim Wong bersama istrinya, Paula Verhoeven ketika berjumpa Presiden Jokowi & Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo di Istana Bogor ( Baim memang memuji Presiden Jokowi pada acount media sosialnya. Hal itu wajar saja, baik pada era sebelum ada COVID-19 maupun setelah ada persiapan ke jaman New Normal setelah begitu lama ada PSBB.  Presiden Jokowi sendiri menyatakan bahwa mantan gubernur Jakarta ini tidak biasa merayakan hari ulang tahun. Jika ada yang mengucapkan selamat kepada mantan Wali Kota Solo ini tentu juga n

Amazing dance and traditional music attraction in Bali

Bali is a world-class tourist destination. You will find many amazing views, especially the beauty of the beach, the blue lake, the beautiful terraced rice fields, the friendliness of its inhabitants, and of course the unique and fascinating cultural arts.  Barong dance in Bali island. ( There are many variations of traditional dance and music attractions on this love island. You may have witnessed the beauty of the original Balinese Barong dance on YouTube. This dance has entertained the tourists of the world when they vacation on this Island of the Gods. In the following program, we will watch the dance and performance of traditional Balinese music instruments, which are not only unique but also the actions of the dancers and music players, which are so lively. You will be amazed by their actions. Make sure you watch this video before you books tickets and accommodations on the beach in Bali. Let's holiday to Bali.

Fantastic Jauk Dance & Traditional Drum Festival in Bali

Let's dance in Bali. Tari Jauk is a sacred dance in paradise.                                                      Tari Jauk. ( Bali as a world tourist destination does offer many attractions such as art, culture, food, fashion, yoga, music, and the things you dream about. You can make Bali as a place to calm yourself, enjoy the beauty of nature. You can also choose the Island of the Gods as a place to enjoy the beauty of art and culture. Bali not only has Kecak Dance, Barong Dance, and other nuance entertainment dance that is usually packed specifically for the tourists to enjoy. Just like Japan and other countries that have dances that are only shown on special occasions, such as sacred dance for ritual or ceremony.  There are some sacred dances or dances that are not shown to tourists, such as Sidakarya Topeng Dance, Rejang Dance, and so on. In this article, I dedicate a Balinese dance, which you rarely see. New Inspiration has uploaded "Jauk

Funny video about a dog that is in love

You know pets like dogs can entertain you. They are unique and behavior that sometimes makes you laugh, even when they are in love. There shag season among animals, as well as dogs. If you are a dog owner , you know when your dog is in love . You may be worried if your dog does not get that handsome or beautiful mate .   Funny dog. Image:   If you want to have puppies are cute and adorable , you naturally crave your dog in order to get a cool mate . In this video, you will see a rarity, and you will laugh, at least you will smile and wonder why the female dog in this love scene wanted to try something different. Is it possible for the female dog is still innocent? Perhaps he did not know how to make love? Instead of confusion, let us look at this funny video, and maybe you have not seen it before. The events in this video are not only funny but also very weird and rare .

King Salman, Ahok and a historic handshake, which has become a trending topic

King Salman, Ahok, and a historic handshake, which has become a trending topic. The king also enjoys a holiday in Bali for more than a week.      Salman, a king who had a great influence in the Arabian Peninsula and around the Middle East has been to Indonesia to reciprocate the visit Jokowi, the President of Indonesia. The state visit is not only a state visit and business affairs, but the extraordinary event occurs because the king bring a group of more than 1500 people, consisting of the Arab princes, ministers, and Arab businessmen.                                                 From left to right: Jokowi, Raja Salman & Ahok. Image: The visit is very historic because it is the first visit since 47 years ago, when King Faisal visited Jakarta, Indonesia. When arriving at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport on March 1, 2017, Raja Salman greeted by Jokowi and the ministers, and Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja which is known as

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